
Project Details:

Total Area: 135.000 mq

FARM Area: 80.000 mq

Residential Area: 55.000 mq

Abitabile Units : 99

From 60 to 200 sqm

Idea & Concept: Giovanni Leoni


Urban Development & Design:

Enrico Galeazzi Architecture Studio

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Agrivillaggio nasce dalla volontà di cambiare rotta, insegnare che un nuovo modo di vivere è possibile.

Agrivillaggio vuole unire Uomo, Natura e Tecnologia, far condividere a queste tre entità un unico percorso.

Agrivillaggio è composto da Case ed un’Azienda Agricola, al centro, fulcro di tutte le attività ed i servizi offerti.


Wondering about a new way of living?

Like a Smart 0-Footprint Eco WiFi Rural Neighbourghood?

Look no Further !!!!

A 135.000 sqm field, nested inside a beautiful Italian Appennino Landscape, an 80.000 sqm Smart Farm, producing food and services for inhabitants and others nearby 57.000 sqm residential area splitted in three parts, around the farm and in strictly relationship with the site's Genius Loci.

From small apartments to bigger 2 storey houses we have 90 units waiting for you.

Designed with smart working in mind Agrivillaggio looks forward to be as smart as it needs to be,

smart mobility, 0-waste km-food chain, a smart farm that it can be called your hub....all of that and so much more....

This is part of the continuous research of a fusion between man, technology and nature.

Help Us Grow!

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